Organisation - Die Stiftung HEKS
Christian Bobst
Who we are

The HEKS/EPER Foundation


HEKS/EPER became a foundation in 2004. Its supreme body is the Board of Trustees, which delegates the management of the organization's affairs to the Executive Board. The Board is supported by the heads of department and of regional offices. In 2018 HEKS/EPER employed 460 permanent staff members. 773 other people earn an hourly wage, and about 240 people do volunteer work.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees comprises six to nine persons and is the Foundation's highest body. One member is appointed by the Board of the Protestant Church in Switzerland (PCS), while the remaining members and the President are elected by the PCS Assembly of Delegates. The term of office is four years. The Board of Trustees ensures that the aims laid out in the Mission Statement and the Constitution of the Foundation are pursued by HEKS/EPER in a sustainable and appropriate manner, and in communion with the PSC and its member churches.

Board of Trustee Members


Executive Board

The HEKS/EPER Executive Board comprises the Director as well as the Heads of the National, International, Communications and Services Divisions. The Executive Board is responsible for all management-related operational matters that fall outside the purview of the Board of Trustees. It generally meets twice monthly, at which time, inter alia, it prepares matters for submission to the Board of Trustees.

Members of the Management

Sabine Buri

Heads of department and of regional offices

HEKS/EPER has 16 heads department and of regional offices. They fall under four managerial divisions namely the International, National, Communications and Services Divisions. The six department heads under the National Division are responsible for programme work in the regions (Aargau/Solothurn, Basel City/Rural Basel, Berne, Eastern Switzerland, Western Switzerland and Zurich/Schaffhausen).

HEKS Abteilungs- und Regionalleitungen
Toni Bernet


HEKS/EPER employs more than 1200 people altogether in Switzerland and abroad, including 460 permanent employees. In addition, HEKS/EPER trains commercial apprentices and provides several internships. Some 250 people do volunteer work.

Sabine Buri

Control Committee

The Control Committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees. It decides independently on those areas of the organization that it wishes to examine in depth. It prepares reports for submission to the Board of Trustees, it raises questions, points to critical issues and makes recommendations. The current members of the Control Committee are: Ueli Schwarzmann (President), Jean-Luc Blondel, Susanne Stamm und Beatrice Baenninger.


Organizational Chart