Press release, 21 December 2020

HEKS/EPER supports hurricane victims in Honduras

Central America suffered extensive damage in November after being struck in rapid succession by two hurricanes, namely «ETA» and «IOTA», which had wind speeds of up to 250 km/h. The countries hit were Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Over a million people are suffering the consequences of the natural disaster. In Honduras it was the northern region that took the worst hit. Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) is therefore providing emergency aid worth half a million francs in that region. The project is being supported by Swiss Solidarity and SDC.

Nothilfe in Honduras: Hurrikan-Opfer, HEKS hilft helfen Sie mit!
Sean Hawkey

The corona pandemic had already placed the Honduran people in a critical situation even before the two hurricanes. Yet there had also been reason for hope. The prevailing weather conditions were ideal, and their staple food crops – maize (corn) and beans – were thriving. Even up to the end of October, farming families were still optimistic about a very good yield. That gave them hope. But then the two hurricanes struck just before the harvest, destroying everything and leaving farming families empty-handed.

Emergency and reconstruction aid

HEKS/EPER is providing CHF 500,000 in support for the people worst affected by the natural disaster across several communities in the two northern departments of Santa Bárbara and Colón, located on the Pacific. Damaged houses must first be made habitable again, indispensable items like food or household equipment replaced, and the water supply restored. Besides, the affected farming families will be able to replant their destroyed fields as soon as possible with maize, beans, rice, manioc, sweet potatoes and bananas among other things. But in the present emergency situation, it is paramount to provide materials that protect against Covid-19 and to ensure that village health centres are up and running.

Because HEKS/EPER has been operating in Honduras for many years now, it was able to mount an emergency aid project very quickly, with the help of its partner organizations «COPA» and «PRR».


Donations account: PC 80-1115-1. Please mention «Emergency aid Honduras»

Bettina Filacanavo
Bettina Filacanavo

Phone: +41 44 360 88 24
Mobile: +41 76 461 88 70

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Emergency aid Honduras